शनिवार, 28 मार्च 2020

Syllabus of Internet of Things: A Practical Approach (A9.4-R5)

A Level - Syllabus of Module: A9.4-R5-Internet of Things: A Practical Approach

Introduction : The module is designed to equip the students to understand the advanced concepts of Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications. The Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding at a rapid rate, and it is becoming increasingly important for professionals to understand what it is, how it works, and how to harness its power to improve business. This introductory course will enable learners to leverage their business and/or technical knowledge across IoT-related functions in the workplace. In the course, we will examine the concept of IoT. We will look at the ‘things’ that make up the Internet of Things, including how those components are connected together, how they communicate, and how they value add to the data generated. We will also examine cyber security and privacy issues, and highlight how IoT can optimize processes and improve efficiencies in your business. 
A Level - Syllabus of Module: A9.4-R5-Internet of Things: A Practical Approach
A Level - Syllabus of Module: A9.4-R5-Internet of Things: A Practical Approach
Detailed Syllabus : 
(i) Hardware Platform for Prototyping IoT Applications: Open IoT hardware platforms: ESP8266 - Architecture, Peripherals, NodeMCU architecture, Features, and its peripherals, pin diagram. Open Embedded IDEs: Ardunio IDE, familiarization and setting up for NodeMCU/ESP8266, Enabling libraries for application development. Programming: Overview of Arduino programming and interfacing 

(ii) Sensors, Actuators and its Interfacing : Sensors & Actuators: The principle of Sensing & Actuation, The sensors for IoT Applications, The operating principles of sensors & Actuators, Analog & digital sensors. The interfacing principles: Analog to Digital Converters, Sampling theory, ADC Classification, Digital to Analog converters. Protocols and its designs: I2C,SPI and CAN, Modern sensors interfacing with bus protocols. Interfacing Sensors-Actuators: Interfacing digital and analog sensors with NodeMCU, Interfacing Actuators with NodeMCU 

(iii) IoT - The Networking & Protocols : Overview: Network layer architecture, communication model, Introduction to Application layer protocols - http, https, telnet, ftp, Connection oriented vs Connection less protocols, Basics of IP Addressing. The IoT application protocols- MQTT, COAP, Its Applications. IoT physical layer connectivity solutions:WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, Sub1Ghz Connecting IoT devices using IPv4 and IPv6 protocol. 

(iv) Webserver Basics for IoT Web servers : Socket and client basics, http, https servers, Web sockets Apache servers- Installation & familiarization, Configuring and personalizing web servers. Webserver -Tools, scripts & Languages: HTML basics- personalizing websites, creating buttons and text boxes on web pages. REST services, GET & POST methods, overview of CSS, JSS, PHP for modern web servers. Embedded Webserver localisation: Intranet vs Internet access, Development of local webserver using NodeMCU for remote monitoring, development of remote webserver for actuator application. Developing Embedded client & server model with NodeMCU. MQTT servers: MQTT broker, client basics, publishing and subscribing data, Publish and subscribe using open brokers. 

(v) The IoT Database Management & Cloud connectivity - Public & Private: Database management: MySQL, MySQL database creation, creation of remote and its database access. NoSQL based tools and its application. Overview of cloud: Cloud computing introduction, functioning of cloud computing, cloud architecture, cloud storage and services, Industrial applications. Discovery of Private and Hybrid Clouds- Introduction- Objectives, need for Privacy- Defining a private cloud- Public, Private, and Hybrid Clouds – A Comparison, Examining the Economics of the private cloud- Assessing capital expenditures- Vendor Private Cloud Offering. IoT cloud services: Private and public cloud for IoT, working principle, Features and comparisons. IoT cloud case studies: Thing speak cloud service, pushing data to thing speak from NodeMCU, developing smart environment monitoring and update to Thingspeak or open cloud.

(vi) Security for Next Generation IoT, IIoT Current Security & privacy Issues : Password Complexity, Account Enumeration, Secure Communication, Hardware / OTA - Over the Air communication, Cloud server security, IoT Privacy, IoT Ethics and Legal issues Penetration of Modern Technologies: Introduction to Industrial IoT, Security and privacy issues. 

Click Here for PDF - A Level - Syllabus of Module: A9.4-R5-Internet of Things: A Practical Approach

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