शनिवार, 28 मार्च 2020

Syllabus of Internet of Things using Raspberry Pi (A10.4-R5)

A Level - Syllabus of Module: A10.4-R5-Internet of Things using Raspberry Pi 

Introduction : The module is designed to make students understand the basics of Single Board Computer (SBC) specifically Raspberry Pi. The purpose is for installation, configuring and using Raspberry Pi in different verticals in the connected world of Internet of Things (IoT). The genesis of this module lies around open source hardware/software. The file system and other basics of Linux operating system is discussed with respect to Raspberry Pi, along with installing and configuring new software. Raspberry host bundle of open source software and are being discussed in this module such as python programming language, interfacing hardware (GPIO programming) through Clanguage using wiringPi library. Visual programming editor Node-RED makes easy for novice to expert level programmer to interface hardware using easy flow based programming. This module provides the theoretical and practical aspects of installing different software on Raspberry Pialong with interfacing sensors, storing and/or publishing data over Cloud. Configuring software to make web server run on Raspberry Pi. 
A Level - Syllabus of Module: A10.4-R5-Internet of Things using Raspberry Pi
A Level - Syllabus of Module: A10.4-R5-Internet of Things using Raspberry Pi
Detailed Syllabus : 
(i) Introduction to Single Board Computer – Raspberry Piand programming language Python  : Introduction –Single Board Computer (SBC) History, Architecture, working, characteristics, applications/ use-cases, Introduction to SoC. Introduction to programming through Python: Python Basics – Python IDE – IDLE, variables, input/output, operators, strings, control statements, loops, functions, Modules, Packages. Python List and Dictionaries – creating, accessing, iterating, enumerating, sorting. 

(ii) Configuring and Managing Raspberry Pi : Understand Raspberry Pi family - Selecting the model of Raspberry Pi, power supply, operating system distribution- NOOBS, raspbain, preparing operating system on SD-card. Using raspi-config command –change password, boot options, configure camera, etc. Networking – connecting to wired or wireless network. 

(iii) Linux Operating System Basics : Introduction –using Terminal to access File system, creating, moving, deleting files/folders, Privileges/file permissions, ownership, apt-get, pip Shell scripting – understanding and writing shell scripts, running scripts/command in background, creating aliases, pipes, running program or script automatically - on startup, as a service, at regular intervals

(iv) Hardware interfacing - GPIO programming : Introduction–General Purpose Input Output(GPIO) pins, understanding WiringPi, BCM pinout, classification of pins- I2C, SPI, UART, digital/PWM Controlling Hardware – Connecting LED, Buzzer, DC Motor, Digital Inputsbutton/push switch, toggling, debouncing, keypad, etc. Interfacing sensors-light, temperature, humidity, gases, etc. LCD interfacing. WiringPi – programming digital I/O’s using WiringPi (C language) library. Arduino-styled programming for Raspberry Pi. Advanced programming using Python– file handling, making web Requests from python, running Linux commands from python Python packages of Interest for IoT – JSON, XML, HTTPLib & URLLib 

(v) Raspberry Pi based IoT application use-cases : Web Server– simple python web server e.g. bottle, for controlling GPIO outputs through web. Display sensor readings on a web page. Configuring Apache-MySQL-PHP stack, to install WordPress. Sending data to public and/or private web server. Introduction to Node-RED – Using Node Red to make MQTT dashboard.

Click Here for PDF -A Level - Syllabus of Module: A10.4-R5-Internet of Things using Raspberry Pi 

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