शनिवार, 28 मार्च 2020

Syllabus of Web Application Development Using PHP (A9.2-R5)

A Level - Syllabus of Module: A9.2-R5-Web Application Development Using PHP

Introduction : The combination of PHP and MySQL is the most convenient approach to dynamic, database-driven web design. Flexible, scalable, extensible, stable, open—PHP is all of these and more, which is why it’s one of the most popular programming toolkits in the world. Today, more than 20 million domains use PHP, including Facebook and Yahoo. PHP is easily embedded with HTML, and is used to manage dynamic content and the databases of websites or, we can say, Web applications. We can use PHP with many popular databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix and Microsoft SQL Server. So, using PHP is also good economics for organizations: it allows them to save on licensing fees and expensive server hardware, while simultaneously producing higherquality products in shorter time frames. Any would-be developer on a Unix/Linux or even a Windows/Apache platform will need to master these technologies. At the same time, JavaScript is important, as it provides in-browser dynamic functionality and, through Ajax, hidden communication with the web server to create seamless interfaces. In conjunction with CSS, these technologies integrate to provide a formidable array of powerful web-development tools. 
A Level - Syllabus of Module: A9.2-R5-Web Application Development Using PHP
A Level - Syllabus of Module: A9.2-R5-Web Application Development Using PHP
Detailed Syllabus : 
(i) Introduction to the Website Development : Introduction of Web Site: Concept of Website and Web Pages, types of Websites Introduction to Open source Technologies: Operating system, Web Server, Database, Scripting Languages Platforms for website development: LAMP,WAMP and MAMP, Scripting language. 

(ii) Introduction to Linux Operating System : Linux Operating System: Topics- Introduction, Installation, Linux Architecture, Boot Process, Kernel, System Initialization. Different flavours of Linux, Review of Basic Commands and Editors: Topics – Introduction to NetBeans, Installation and Configuring NetBeans, gedit, Notepad++, Configuring Servers: Installation of PHP and MySQL on Linux Operating System, Installation of Net Beans IDE and its configuration, Configuration of Apache Server 

(iii) Design of Web Pages :  Basic HTML:HTML Basics, HTML Elements, HTML Attributes, HTML Headings, HTML Paragraphs, HTML Styles, HTML Formatting, HTML Quotations, HTML Links, HTML Table, HTML Lists, HTML Blocks, HTML Classes, HTML IFrames etc. HTML Forms: HTML Form Elements, Input Types, Input Attributes. CSS: CSS Introduction, CSS Types, CSS Padding, CSS Id & Class, Styling Backgrounds Fonts, Links, CSS Border, HTML5 

(iv) Client Side Validations using Various Techniques : Java Script: Java Script Introduction, Variable declaration, Operators, Control Statements, Error Handling, understanding arrays, Built in Functions, User defined Function, HTML Forms and Java Script, HTML DOM, Validations using Java Script AJAX: Introduction to AJAX, XML Http Request Object, Response Handling, AJAX Components, AJAX Framework, HTML in AJAX, XML and AJAX, Validations using AJAX JQUERY: JQUERY Introduction, JQUERY library, JQuery Selectors, JQuery Filters, Working with JQuery Events, JQuery and HTML Forms, Validations using JQuery 

(v) Server side programming language PHP : Introduction of Php: Programming Concepts, Architecture of web application, PHP Data Types and basics Control Structures: Conditional statement, if, else, case, for, while loops Arrays in PHP: Types of Arrays, Array attributes, Associative arrays, Array functions. PHP Functions: String and other functions in PHP, Super global, PHP Functions, Types of Function: User Defined Function and Inbuilt Functions, PHP Email Function etc. Object Oriented Concepts: Classes, defining a class and its usage, Constructor, Inheritance, Exception Handling, Use of include and require. PHP Forms methods: GET, POST & REQUEST, creating user forms. File handling in PHP: Uploading files and images, Using file system in PHP. 

(vi) Database Connectivity with PHP and MySQL : Creation of Database Connection file, Database connectivity, using MySQL functions in PHP. Server-side validations. Inserting, Updating, deleting data using PHP and MySQL through forms, Bind Parameters for Database Queries, Using MySQL Store procedures in PHP, Database server configuration using IPv4 and IPv6, Fetching Data from Database server. 

(vii) Web Services &Security Vulnerabilities : Web service architecture & Introduction, Session and cookies, Authentication and Authorization, storing hashed passwords in the database, Login and Logout operation, Access Control Filter, Session based and cookie-based login, Using security features etc. SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, Broken Authentication and Session Management, Insecure Direct Object References, Cross Site Request Forgery, Security Misconfiguration, Insecure Cryptographic Storage, Failure to restrict URL Access.

Click Here for PDF - A Level - Syllabus of Module: A9.2-R5-Web Application Development Using PHP

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