A Level - Syllabus of Module: A7-R5-Databases Technologies
Introduction : Application software requires data to be stored permanently. Databases provide the
facility to store data permanently. Further, databases provide functionality to maintain
and retrieve data. Depending upon different types of data storage, retrieval and
processing, different types of databases are required. This module is designed with view
to equip learner with two types of databases, RDBMS and NoSQL databases.
A Level - Syllabus of Module: A7-R5-Databases Technologies |
(i) An Overview of the Database Management System :
What is database? Why database? Database system, database management system
(DBMS), advantages of DBMS.
(ii) An Architecture of the Database system : Three levels of architecture, Logical View, Physical View, Conceptual View, Logical
data independence, Physical Data Independence
(iii) Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) :
Introduction, RDBMS terminology, relational model, base tables, keys, primary key,
foreign key, constraints, Codd Rules
(iv) Database Design :
Normalization, Normal forms-1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF 4NF and 5NF, E-R Diagram.
Mapping ER-diagram to database tables.
(v) Maria DB :
Introduction to Maria DB, Data Types, SQL Commands, Create, insert, update, delete,
drop, alter, SQL functions (String functions, date functions), indexing, key, primary
key, foreign key
(vi) Manipulating Data with Maria DB :
SQL Statements, Select, like clause, group by, order by, joins-left join, natural join,
right join, union. Correlated and nested queries. Backup and restore commands
(vii) NoSQL Database Technology :
Introduction to NoSQL Databases, Difference between relational and NoSQL
databases. NoSQL features, types, advantages, Architecture of MongoDB,
Documents, Collections, Dynamic Schemas, Mongo Shell, Mongo Server and
Client, Data Types, Embedded Documents, Creating Configuration file for
JSON File format for storing documents, Inserting and Saving Documents, Batch
Insert, Insert Validation, Removing Documents, Updating Documents, Document
Replacement, Using Modifiers, Updating Multiple Documents, Returning Updated
Introduction to Indexing, Introduction to Compound Indexes, Using Compound
Indexes, Indexing Objects and Arrays, Aggregation Framework, Pipeline
Operations- $match, $project, $group, $unwind, $sort, $limit, $skip, Using Pipelines,
MongoDB and MapReduce, Aggregation Commands, Introduction to Replication,
configuring a Replica Set, Member Configuration Options
(viii) Selecting the Right Database :
Selection of right databases, RDBMS or NoSQL, selection of database based on
performance, data size, type of data, frequency of accessing data, business needs,
type of application.
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