रविवार, 29 मार्च 2020

E-mail - Computer GK in Hindi | Bank PO , Clerk / Railway / SSC / Computer Assistance / All Gov. Exam

E-mail - Computer GK in Hindi | Bank PO , Clerk / Railway / CCC / SSC / Computer Assistance(State Level) / All Gov. Exam

Introduction : इस Post में  E-mail Topic को Detail से बताया  गया  है जो  आपके  सभी Exam  में काफी helpful  होगा | 
E-mail - Computer GK in Hindi | Bank PO , Clerk / Railway / CCC / SSC / Computer Assistance(State Level) / All Gov. Exam
E-mail - Computer GK in Hindi | Bank PO , Clerk / Railway / CCC / SSC / Computer Assistance(State Level) / All Gov. Exam

E-mail [ Electric Mail ]
Definition : It is process of sending and receiving  message , files from one place to another place. ( Invented by Ray Tomlinson in 1971 )
E-mail is similar to writing a letter to recipients but transmitted in electronic medium, It is also called Electronic mail.
Structure of Email address -  abs123@gmail.com
1. Here abs123 is userid. (यहाँ abs123 यूजरआईडी  हैं | ) 
2. Here gmail is domain name. (यहाँ  gmail डोमेन नाम  हैं | )
3. No space are allowed.

Other domain name -  
.com - commercial 
.edu - education 
.gov -  government
.mil -  military
.net -  network
.org - organization

Parts of Email -  
  • Compose  - This option is used to send any E-mail to another person / place. Here we provides some option(functions) which is helpful - 
  1. To - 
  2. CC (Carbon Copy) - when we send any email, in carbon copy(cc) , sender address written in CC is displayed in remaining receivers inbox.
  3. BCC (Blind Carbon Copy ) - 
  4. Subject - The main headline(Title) of email is written in this place. ( इस स्थान में ईमेल का मुख्य हैडलाइन (शीर्षक) लिखा जाता हैं। )
  5. Attachment - 
  6. Insert Link(CTR + K) -
  7. Send -  
  8. Forward - The content / mail already present in mail box and it is sent to another person through forward option. ( यदि किसी व्यक्ति दवारा किसी ईमेल को भेजा जाता  है तो नयी ईमेल बनाने से बचने के लिए हम फॉरवर्ड का उपयोग करते है। )
  • Inbox
  • Starred
  • Snoozed
  • Sent mail (Send box)
  • Important
  • Chats
  • Draft - The important documents /  mails / data / attachments can be stored but which is not sent , is stored in Draft.
  • Spam - The unsolicited and  junk mails are stored in this place. ( इस स्थान पर अनचाही और जंक मेल संग्रहित होती हैं।  )
  • Trash -  The deleted items from mail box is moved to Trash. It is similar to Recycle Bin. ( मेल बॉक्स से हटाए गए आइटम को ट्रैश में स्थानान्तरित कर दिया गया है। यह रीसायकल बिन के समान हैं।  )
  • Categories- 
Email Service Provider : 1. Google   2. Yahoo   3. Hotmail   4. Outlook    5. MSN

Terminology which is used in E-mail - 
  • Sign in
  • Sign out
  • Authenticatoin - The process of verifying the username and password is called. ( उपयोगकर्ता नाम और पासवर्ड को सत्यापित करने की प्रकिया को प्रमाणीकरण कहा जाता हैं |  )
  • Sign up process - The process of creating an account by providing our details to the server for their confirmation.
  • Captcha Code
  • POP
  • POP3
  • SMTP ( Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ) - 
  • IMAP ( Internet Message Access Protocol ) -  

Computer terminology -  
 " Protocol "  ,  " Topology "   ,  " DNS "   ,   " Web Server "    ,   " HTML "    ,   " TCP / IP "   ,    " Machine Code "

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